Unit 89 Dioxane Multi-stage Stripping

Unit 89 Dioxane Multi-stage Stripping

Recent years, Weixian is keep focusing on ULTRA-LOW dioxane technology. Based on the previous Unit 79 Neutralization and Dioxane Stripping process, Weixian has newly developed the Unit 89 Dioxane Multi-stage Stripping process, which realizes 65% - 99% dioxane removal rate depending on the needs. With this innovative technology, less than 1ppm dioxane content can be truly realized no matter the raw material EO Number and initial dioxane level.


Unit 89 is a continuous process. Dioxane level from 15ppm to 1ppm (70% A.M.) by Unit 89 only cost about 15 USD operational cost for per ton product.


Therefore, we proudly announce that any regulation of dioxane level is no longer a problem anymore.


Please contact us for quote.

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